What is meant by “Spousal Support” in a Bucks County divorce?

Spousal Support in Bucks County

Spousal support in Bucks County is a court ordered payment PRIOR to divorce if the spouses are separated in order to provide financial assistance to a spouse in need so that each party is able to pursue the divorce on an equal financial footing.   Pennsylvania law has support guidelines which must be followed to determine how much financial assistance is given. The basic calculation is as follows: the spouse providing support gives 40% of the difference between his/her net monthly income and the receiving spouse’s net monthly income if there are no minor children.

Other Issues in Spousal Support

With minor children, the differential is lessened by the amount of child support provided.  The amount resulting is then multiplied by 30%.  By law, this formula is reviewed every four years by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and changes can be made if deemed necessary.  Spousal support ends once a divorce complaint is filed in the court. It also terminates if the spouse receiving support commences living with an unrelated member of the opposite sex. Of course, should death occur, spousal support is terminated.