What is bifurcation in a PA divorce?

Bucks County Bifurcation Divorce

Not all states allow for bifurcation in a divorce which means a married couple can legally obtain a divorce decree but have outstanding issues that remain to be resolved.  Each party is free to re-marry.  Although it is not the best strategy in a normal Bucks County divorce to pursue a bifurcation divorce, it is possible.  Typically, you do not want to bifurcate a divorce because you want everything resolved prior to the decree.  It makes everything final, clean, and finished.  

Both parties must agree to the bifurcation. A court can enter a bifurcated decree even if the spouses are unwilling if there is sufficient and compelling reasons.   Usually economic issues are the main reason for bifurcation. The advantage of bifurcation is that it allows both parties to get on with their lives.  The disadvantage is that the spouse who controls most of the financial matters can exercise delay in resolving such matters causing further financial harm to the other spouse.  For more information, contact a Bucks County divorce lawyer for more help.