What happens if the defending spouse cannot be located within the specified time period?

Separated Spouse Cannot be Located in Bucks County

You have hired a Bucks County divorce lawyer, learned about the divorce process in Bucks County, and filed your divorce complaint at the county court.  But, your separated spouse is no where to be found.  

In such cases, your attorney should immediately notify the prothonotary of the Bucks County court system and request that a reinstatement is issued.

Next Steps in Process for Divorce

The Bucks County plaintiff then has 30 days to serve the complaint.  This can be which can be done by certified mail, a responsible adult (i.e. process server) or the sheriff’s office personnel.  This second notification is generally referred to as “service of process".  If, after all this has been done, and the spouse still cannot be located, the court and plaintiff may continue with the Bucks County divorce process.