How does a Bucks County court decide which parent receives child custody?

Bucks County Child Custody

This question is tremendously complicated.  Many Bucks County divorce attorneys have war stories about custody and the battles in the courtroom.  

The overriding legal basis the courts in Pennsylvania, including Bucks County, consider is: What is in the best interests of the child?  The child can request that one parent be given custody.  However, the courts will consider the age and maturity of the child making the request.  If a child is deemed too young or immature and only wants to live with the parent who gives them videogames and candy, that may not be in their best interest.  If, however, the child articulates issues important to him or her (i.e. they like the Bucks County school district they are in), the judge will take that into consideration.

Other Issues for Child Custody

The request is only one of many factors to be considered. The stability of the Bucks County parent and willingness to work amicably with the other parent are also considered. Abuse or the possibility of putting the child in harm’s way, educational concerns, employment conditions of the parents and their financial capabilities, and a desire to keep siblings together are also some of the factors.   Again, the main consideration is what the court deems is in the best interest of the child.  The court will review all aspects of the child’s situation and make a decision based on what it considers best overall for the child.